Friday, July 10, 2009

Lance: world's greatest book?

John Wilcockson knows the sport of cycling, for example he has reported the Tour 40 times. You can read his stories from the ongoing Tour at

Quite conveniently John's new book is out too - modestly named Lance - The Making of The World's Greatest Champion (US) or Lance Armstrong - The World's Greatest Champion (UK).

Like Lance, the book rarely disappoints. On almost every one of the 370 pages I discovered some interesting things I've never heard before. The book also comes with 16 additional pages of rare photos.

Lance has recently regretted that in this book he states last year's Tour was a joke. That's understandable now, when he is on the road riding with those guys. However I think he had a point, as I didn't follow Tours without Lance at all. Not because all the other cyclists are a joke, but because they are nowhere near as inspiring or interesting as Lance.

Highly recommended for all endurance athletes. A must read for Lance fans. In fact, almost anyone should be able to enjoy and possibly benefit from reading this. Go get it!


Anonymous said...
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Bertrand said...

Thanks. I ordered the book. Any ultra running book you would recommend? (I read survival of the fittest a while ago). Take care.

Anonymous said...

To me, Born To Run by Chris McDougall stands out among ultrarunning books, just like John Wilcockson's Lance is the cycling book to get.

I have Survival Of The Fittest by Mike Stroud as well, but that's just a collection of essays loosely based on marathon adventures.

If that's your cup of tea, you might like 50/50 by Dean Karnazes. He also has an audiobook and a DVD documentary movie available.

Bertrand said...

Thanks. Added Born To Run to my basket.