Wednesday, April 20, 2011

London Marathon 2012

I'd sure like to participate, next year maybe?


coureur du chablais said...

it's very hard to get a ticket to run that race...

I want also to go there and run ...

Jukka Kukkonen said...

online ballot for 2012 entry opens on april 26 - gonna give it a try.

Mark said...
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Mark said...

What are the odds of "winning" a lottery entry? 50%? 0.037? any ideas?

Jukka Kukkonen said...

I'm in!

I've heard there will be about 20,000 happy ballot winners in October 2011. Let's say there are 125,000 ballot entries. That would mean 16% odds.

However there is a separate ballot for UK and Overseas entrants, which makes the odds more complicated to estimate. They also ask some qualifying data, which may or may not affect the result.

For UK runners there are also better ways oddwise to enter than the ballot. For example Good For Age or a charity. It's a pity that Good For Age does not apply for overseas runners, as I would have qualified then.