Thursday, August 16, 2012

Swim around Seurasaari island

An open water swim around Seurasaari island has been on my bucket list for a long time. I've run around the island probably a hundred times. Today I finally did the swim with a buddy from Helsinki Triathlon club.

The weather was perfect, unusually warm (max 23C/73F) and calm (East wind 1-3 m/s).  The water was warm enough (about 15C/60F) for a wetsuit swim, but not too warm to develop potentially toxic blue algae.

Unfortunately Gulf of Finland is not the clearest of seas. You might just see your own hand under the water, if you are lucky. However it was safe to swim in this location at this time according to the official water quality measurements.

Our navigation was quite successful, although we were forced to readjust our direction occasionally due to underwater rocks. Fortunately we didn't encounter any motor boats, only a couple of kayaks.  

The island is really beautiful natural location. It incorporates a cafe, restaurant, beach and popular open-air museum. On a sunny summer day like this there are swarms of tourists walking around.

My counterclockwise GPS track around Seurasaari island: 3100m, 66 min.
I wore Suunto Ambit GPS on top of my head, under my silicone swim cap. It showed we swam 3100 meters in 66 minutes. You are most welcome to view my data in Movescount.

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