Saturday, November 10, 2012

Flying to the top of Mont Blanc anyone?

You've got to check out this spectacular helmet cam video to understand why running around Mont Blanc is not such a big deal anymore!

As you'll see, paraglider Stephané Boulanger took off from Chamonix's Planpratz lift station (2,000m/6,562ft) and glided to the top of Mont Blanc (4,810m/15,782ft) to meet some of his equally crazy friends there on this amazing August day.

English version-Mont Blanc Tuto Cross Video from Stéphane Boulenger on Vimeo.

I used to hold a pilot licence for hang gliders (little known fact), but I haven't renewed it for two decades. Anyway now I'm tempted to try those tandem flights by Fly Chamonix next summer!

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