Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Waterlily Wanderung

We did a little wanderung around Lake Valklampi in Nuuksio National Park with TPjr.

We saw lots of blooming waterlilies in the lake.

Then we swam by the huge cliffs in the lake, had a little picnic, and headed back home.

The weather was just awesome, what a great summer day!


Unknown said...

Haha, your swim style clearly looks like it's inspired by water lilies!

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Good job Paul, you got it! Drawing inspiration from nature is the name of the game, ha ha :)

Unknown said...

Ok, I'll try to swim like a ray then, even though there are no rays in Spree river… ;)

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Hey Ray, I started reading that Murakami book you mentioned, and was reminded of the world's most graceful swimmer Shinji Takeuchi - just drop everything and google him now! Or go to

Unknown said...

Now I have started reading the book again, too! Thx for the link to Shinji – this is definitely what I am looking for in swimming! Of course my swim instructor always told me to do all movements more forcefully… Well, I guess I am just going to have to do some – a lot of! – swimmnig by myself and pay attention to what works and what doesn't.
I wonder how you like the book. Honestly, I usually don't recall much of a book after I read it. The notes on swimming is what I remembered…
Thx again for sharing your experience and inspirations!

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Yeah right, when you learn to swim faster it feels easier. It's like playing an instrument, more about skill than power.

Read the book last weekend while travelling on planes, trains and automobiles. It has aroused much interest here, because it partially happens in Helsinki and other places in Finland. I wonder why though, it should have been Switzerland or Italy, like in Le mal du pays by Liszt. Weird plot but I liked the way it was left unfinished. I bet a lot is lost in translation, but what can you do - learning Japanese is unlikely.