Friday, February 24, 2017

Breaking Through Pre-race Jitters

My pre-race jitters before UTMB felt as massive as the Alps.

Like many athletes, I get my fare share of pre-race jitters. Judging by the number of articles on this issue, there's a real war on event anxiety going on.

Let's face it: your body is not an idiot. The race course seems to have an insane amount of distance and elevation. It's not going to be easy, and everyone knows it.

If you feel powerless against mighty mountains, realize your fears are like ripples on the surface of a lake.

Deep down the water remains cool and calm. Take challenges as a chance to explore your possibilities.

Ultras are 90% mental, and the rest is up to your head. A scared mind can play dirty tricks on you.

I believe The Barkley Marathons RD Lazarus Lake calls this phenomenon Quitter's Talk. Get over it.

Some of my best performances have occurred after horrible (but hilarious in hindsight) preludes. When you break through threatening obstacles, that's when you really grow.

Listen to your body, but don't believe all your thoughts. Don't worry too much. The pre-race jitters will soon pass after the start. Focus on executing your race plan and have fun out there.


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