Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rise of The Planet of the Fruits

'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' is a great movie, but there is a better, or should I say healthier alternative...

'My Ancestral Health Symposium Presentation' by Don Matesz. This is not about humans vs. chimps anymore, but "the presumed main foods of common ancestors of humans and chimps". Rise of The Planet of the Fruits!

Long story short, we humans and our cousins chimps are genetically 98% the same, and in the course of millions of years we have been adapted to a diet high in fruit (fructose, vitamin C) and low in meat (sodium, fat).

When the ideas are thrilling, the movie does not have to be that special. Watch and think for yourself!

"Ancestral nutrition: An alternative approach" by Don Matesz, MA, MS from Ancestry on Vimeo.

Now all those paleo businessmen, who squeeze money out of the outdated concept that paleo diet is all about meat and dead stuff like that, are probably going ape s%!t. As they are unlikely to change their minds in the near future, Don's blog Primal Wisdom recently announced his Farewell to 'Paleo':
"I have experimented with eating a so-called “paleo” diet for at least 14 years...

...over this time period I have experienced myself, and seen in others, mostly gradual and sometimes sudden development of disorders that I can directly attribute to attempting to consume a high fat, excessive protein diet...

...I have returned to eating a whole food... plant-based diet, with much smaller amounts of animal products...

...I now believe that reverse engineering from presently observable human biochemistry and physiology suggests that modern humans are adapted to a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet with relatively low or intermittent intake of animal foods."


PaleoProof said...

It was interesting and enlighten that Don came out with that post. I am un ultra runner that tried a paleo low carb diet only to not thrive on that diet. Since then I found the perfect health diet which is what Don has moved to in reality. It's been fantastic diet for me.

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Hello Namesake! I tried PHD since late last year. It seems to be better suitable for normally active research types like the authors or Don, but not for extremely active persons like ultra runners. I've just had a catastrophic running season with a few injuries and a couple of DNFs. 60% fat with animal products and starch does not work in the long run. Athtletes need more carbs from fruits etc. Do what you like, but I've learned from my mistakes and made radical changes for next year.