Thursday, June 12, 2008

Comrades calves

There's nothing wrong with big, strong calves writes Bruce Fordyce. "The best Comrades runners have very powerful calf muscles", the King of Comrades states. 

Leonid Shvetsov, who in 2007 broke the down-Comrades record set by Bruce Fordyce in 1986, has a good chance of breaking the uphill direction record too next Sunday. And yes, he has huge calf muscles as the photo below proves. 

I have big calves as well, but it took me 9:32 to run the up-Comrades in 1996. In hindsight, I must have suffered from overtraining. If your brain lacks sufficient muscle to restrict excessive training, even the best calves in the world can't guarantee success.

1 comment:

ryan said...

True, but your calves are rather nice to look at :)