Monday, March 15, 2010

The Runner - Marco Olmo documentary DVD

This is such a great ultra trail running documentary about Marco Olmo, two-time UTMB champion.

The film delivers exactly what they write on the cover: "Love, pain, revenge. The true story of a worker who became the ultra trail world champion at 60 years old." It's in Italian with English/French/Spanish subtitles.

Paolo Casalis and Stefano Scarafia have documented how this self-described "loser" lives and rus. There's a lot of honest mountain racing and training coverage. We get to see Marco's wife Renata a lot. Also his former co-workers are interviewed. Luckily they manage to avoid most Hollywood type story telling cliches. The 80-minute movie is both interesting and inspiring.

Recommended for all ultra running enthusiasts. After seeing this you'll get out thinking: 'if he can achieve those kind of amazing results at 60, maybe I can do something similar too!'

If you watch the movie looking for answers to the mystery of how a senior citizen can be so fit, prepare for a disappointment. No earth-shattering secrets are revealed. Marco's lifestyle may seem like deceptively simple. Then you realize that simplicity itself is probably the ultimate answer. Grande!

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