Friday, May 21, 2010

Forks Over Knives movie trailer

There's yet another food-related documentary coming out this summer.

To be honest I'm not super excited about the movie, because to eat the way (cooked vegan food) they advocate would be a step backwards for a low fat frugivore like me.

But without a doubt for the majority of people it would be a huge step forwards. Fortunately tons of fatty folks are getting the message already and changing their habits for the better. That could eventually make a big worldwide difference in reduced health care and environmental costs.

Before seeing the film, I recommend you read The China Study by Dr. Colin Campbell, one of the featured researchers in Forks Over Knives. In summary, Dr. Campbell's long term research project found out that people who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease, and the people who ate the most plant-besed foods were the healthiest. Animal protein was linked to cancer.

This result is not surprising in itself. What's surprising is that nutritional confusion about this simple fact of life still continues. Therefore we need more films like Forks Over Knives.

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